We strive to be your first choice when searching for an apartment finder in Dallas or Fort Worth. With over twenty years of combined experience in real estate, our agents are ready to make your next apartment search a stress-free experience. North Texas continually leads the nation in leases thanks to the growth of the central Dallas area. With so many Mid-Rise and High-Rise apartments to choose from, finding the perfect home can be daunting. Using a Dallas apartment finder allows you to target your desired area, school district, and amenities without wasting hours of your precious time.

Are You Always On The Go?
Our Dallas apartment locators will save you so much time.
- Call or text us at 972-885-0399, or send us your information to have our neighborhood experts begin your apartment search
- You will receive a list of luxury apartments tailored to your needs.
- Schedule a day and time to tour your selected apartments with your assigned locator.
- Once you find the perfect place, put down The Apt Locator on your application
- This service is absolutely free. No fine print, catch or gimmicks and your rent is not affected in any way by taking advantage of this complimentary experience.
Don’t pay more than you have to..
We ensure you get the best deal in the area by utilizing resources updated daily by the apartment communities around the Dallas area. Our fort worth apartment locators have an ever-expanding knowledge of all areas of town. If your looking for a Uptown Dallas Loft, a mid-rise in the Medical District, or a studio apartment in Turtle Creek, our apartment finders have you covered!
We are relocation specialists!
The Apt Locator extends far beyond simple apartment searches. Our agents communicate with Dallas, Fort Worth apartment communities daily, and know exactly what is happening in the area. We are established in the Dallas apartment locator market through first-hand experience and years of relationship development.